
Brief Pain Inventory (Short Form)
1.Throughout our lives, most of us have had pain from time to time (such as minor headaches, sprains, and toothaches). Have you had pain other than these everyday kinds of pain today?
Please choose one before submitting.

2. On the diagram, choose the area that hurts the most.
Please choose one before submitting.

3. Please rate your pain by circling the one number that best describes your pain at its worst in the last 24 hours.
Please choose one before submitting.

4. Please rate your pain by circling the one number that best describes your pain at its least in the last 24 hours.
Please choose one before submitting.

5. Please rate your pain by circling the one number that best describes your pain on the average.
Please choose one before submitting.

6. Please rate your pain by circling the one number that tells how much pain you have right now.
Please choose one before submitting.

7. What treatments or medications are you receiving for your pain?

8. In the last 24 hours, how much relief have pain treatments or medications provided? Please circle the one percentage that most shows how much relief you have received.
Please choose one before submitting.

9. Choose the one number that describes how, during the past 24 hours, pain has interfered with your:
A. General Activity
Please choose one before submitting.
B. Mood
Please choose one before submitting.
C. Walking Ability
Please choose one before submitting.
D. Normal Work (includes both work outside the home and housework)
Please choose one before submitting.
E. Relations with other people
Please choose one before submitting.
F. Sleep
Please choose one before submitting.
G. Enjoyment of life
Please choose one before submitting.

Copyright 1991 Charles S. Cleeland, PhD Pain Research Group All rights reserved.

You must agree before submitting.